Lathrop GPM has 320 attorneys nationwide serving clients in the areas of litigation, intellectual property and business. Chambers USA ranks Lathrop GPM’s corporate, environmental, media and entertainment, labor and employment, litigation and real estate practices among the best in their regions. For more information, visit
Headquartered in Kansas City, Lathrop GPM has regional offices throughout the United States, from Los Angeles to Boston. The headquarters and 9 regional offices are linked to each other and to the firm’s two data centers by two separate 100-megabit MPLS networks (from different providers). Each data center has its own Internet connection as well. MPLS redundancy is critical because all of the firm’s critical applications–Office, Exchange, Outlook, legal document management system (Autonomy iManage), VoIP and video
conferencing (Cisco Unified Communications Manager) – are centralized in the data centers and delivered over the MPLS network.
If one network sits passive 95% of the time, that’s not a real good use of that investment, especially when we have offices that are at the upper threshold of their current circuits,
David Alberico, network manager
Lathrop GPM
I would say the most important thing to the end users, and to especially our partners here, is the SLA has improved.
David Alberico, network manager
Lathrop GPM